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Off The Publisher’s Desk – 1-23-2013

Take a look around you!

Sometimes it takes a backseat to other things in one’s life, but take a look around you and see all the good things that are happening in our neighborhood. If you look around your community you can find many good things that are happening.

Things that don’t make headlines in this or any other newspaper. Things like neighbors helping neighbors. The food pantry, church groups putting their talents to good use. People volunteering to lead 4-H groups, scouts, church organizations or other identities that help people in our communities.

I have watched groups in Colfax and Elk Mound come together. One is the group that has led the charge on restoring the Colfax Municipal Building. Elected officials came together to find new quarters for the local fire department and ambulance service and a new village hall and library in Elk Mound. I am sure that there are many other items that are appreciated.

I would asked that maybe you could find time to say thank you to those involved in local projects that make our communities a better place to live. And if you are not involved in some community activity, get involved.

On another note, we traveled to Menomonie Sunday evening to see the movie “Lincoln” and I think that it is a must see if you’re at all interested in the history of the Civil War. Its time frame is just after President Lincoln’s re-election until the time of his assassination. It tells how he wielded his executive power, during the war effort. It will remind you of how President Obama is making executive orders now.

It also has the back room workings of the House of Representatives and how they debated the 13th amendment to the Constitution. Go see the movie.

Thanks, Carlton